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Written By: Brenda Golden
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Catch Endless Ember w/ Sarah Saturday at Blu Crab House; Tuesday at Princess Royale; and Thursday at Bourbon St.
Read all about Rick & Regina and make plans to hear them June 25th at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.
Head to the Caribbean Pool Bar Saturday to hear Lime Green Band featuring the vocals of Angeline.
Rock out with Identity Crisis Saturday at the Boozy Egg; and join then Tuesday for Open Mic at Fast Eddie's.
Hear the incomparable Tranzfusion at a new venue on Saturday: Pickles Pub.
Well, hello out there.  I’m late getting to my ‘chat’ with you this week ‘cause I got the call that my car was ready to be picked up from the shop; so, yay, I got a ride and picked up my beautiful Grand Marquis (beautiful to me; it’s a 2002).  Yep, got my wheels back in time for weekend fun - after this storm blows by.  But first, I want to tell you about my outing last Sunday.

Last Sunday at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill I got a double dose of dazzling divas with back-to-back performances from Sarah Robins and then Regina, two of Ocean City’s finest vocalists.  On this day, Sarah was accompanied on guitar by Neil Helgeson.  I say “on this day” because Sarah performs with several different musicians including her most regular partner in Endless Ember, Chris Sajadi, who is also the guitarist for The Mercury Agenda.  You might also hear her sing with Zach “Simba” Simms or Rick Gunter; or it could be Lauren Glick who partnered with her at Saltwater 75 a couple weeks ago.  Sarah is part of Lauren’s recording band as backup vocals and flute.  Yes, Sarah plays the flute adding an ethereal quality to some of her songs.  I asked Sarah for her set list and boy was I surprised when she sent me eight pages adding that not on the list are Metallica, Nirvana, Ozzy and Radiohead.  Where do I begin with that much information - from “All The Right Moves” by One Republic to “Zombie” by The Cranberries, she’s got it covered, literally from A to Z.  I was so impressed with the tone of her lovely voice that could deliver a sweet tune like “Time After Time” by Cyndi Lauper, then amp it up for an Adele song such as “Set Fire To The Rain.”  Her music ranges from country to pop to rock and blues, spanning decades and genres.  Incredible!  This beautiful lady is really busy playing nearly every night: she’s at Saltwater 75 right now; Saturday at Blu Crab House; Tuesday at Princess Royale and Thursday at Bourbon St.  If you can’t make one of those shows, go to Who’s Where When on this site and arrow over to next week to see more of her schedule.  Happy to have her in the Coconut Times family.

When I talk about music spanning decades and genres, the same can be said for the next act that came on at Coconuts, Rick & Regina.  Rick plays guitar and sings a few while he showcases the talent of the amazing Regina!  You will hear her sing some classic country such as “Crazy” by Patsy Kline then another kind of crazy altogether:  “Crazy” from Gnarls Barkley.  She sings and sways to “Havana” by Camilla Cabello then rocks out to “Sweet Child of Mine” by Guns N’ Roses.  We all get goose bumps when she sings Dolly Parton’s “I Will Always Love You” then jumps right into “Workin’ Nine To Five.”  I go from tears to crazy smiles in a flash.  Honoring the late great Tina Turner she wowed us with “Typical Male,” a Turner song that we don’t hear as much and it was great.  Regina has a voice that conquers and mesmerizes with every note - strong then soft with a range that surpasses human (most of us) capabilities, hitting some high notes referred to as whistle tones, a la Minnie Ripperton.  You get the picture: beautiful, talented, kind, friendly to young and old.  Fans love her and come back for their shows time and time again.  Rick & Regina will return to Coconuts on June 25th. Be there!

I’ll be heading back to Coconuts tomorrow (Saturday) to hear one of my favorites: The Mercury Agenda.  If you’ve been reading this weekly, you’ll know that I’ve babbled on about them many times; so suffice it to say, the music plus vocals from Doug will blow your mind.  Join the party Saturday at Coconuts.  And Sunday another of my favorites, 33 RPM, will take the Coconuts stage.  What a lineup this weekend and looks like the weather calls for lots of sunshine.  You can always count on music at Coconuts to be most entertaining from Darin Engh on Friday at noon right on through the week with Full Circle on Thursday (also in my top 5 favorites).  Talk about Diva power, this band features two most excellent singers, Michelle Schachter and Kathy Denk (who also plays great lead guitar, with Jeff Davis on bass and Joe Mama on drums).  However, on that point, Full Circle has recruited Sean Loomis (The Dune Hounds) to play guitar as well (you know I love two guitars ... yay duels!) and lend his wonderful voice to their vocal powerhouse.  Talk about range: they play anything and everything.  If you haven’t heard them, this is your chance at this beautiful venue.  Check the Who’s Where When for every act this week and the coming weeks - two acts per day.  Outstanding!

Yet another fabulous female vocalist must be mentioned here in the person of Angeline Leech with Lime Green Band.  You can hear her and her bandmates Saturday at the Caribbean Poole Bar early at 1 pm and Sunday and Tuesday at the new Ashore Resort - I believe the deck bar is now called Wahoo (formerly the Clarion).  Yep, they have music again.  

I have been chatty chatty, my friends, and could say much more, but time to go.  Enjoy your week, be kind, loving and always party safe!

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