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Written By: Brenda Golden
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The Dunehounds braved the weather and put on a fantastic show at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.
Rick & Regina will play at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill ahead of the "Tipsy Turtle" Contest.
Jack Worthington is set to play at Southgate Grill Sunday.
Lennon & The Leftovers will play Saturday at Scotty's Bayside Pub.
The Mercury Agenda will perform Saturday at Bourbon Street on the Beach.
Lauren Glick and bandmates Bobby Malaby, Sarah Robins, Scott Malaby & Chris Chandler debuted Glick's latest CD LUSH at the Globe Gastro Theater.
Well, folks, I’m a day late for our weekly ‘chat’ and still feeling some writer’s block.  Is it the cooler weather?  Or just laziness; can’t say.  But I have a lot to tell you of my fun week so I’m going to settle in and hope I don’t get the interruptions and distractions of yesterday.  I’ll begin by telling you that I ran into our dear BJ’s friends Billy & Maddy Carder at Coastal Smokehouse yesterday and I’m happy to report that their band, Teenage Rust, will be playing at M.R. Ducks on Sunday, October 9th, at 2 pm.  Billy quipped, “we’ve been trying to get in there for 35 years!”  So, finally, a party on the dock; let’s pray for good weather.

I was at Coastal Smokehouse, on Rt. 50 in West OC, for their first night of live music to kick off their fall schedule of fun happenings.  First up was Jack Worthington & T Lutz.  Good to see Tom on the mend and playing again.  And it was so good to hear Jack singing and playing guitar on lots of our favorite music.  The patio doors were opened and it was a delightful early evening of good weather and even better music from these two long-time OC favorites.  I’ll have more to report of upcoming events but for now I can tell you that Great Train Robbery will return on Friday, October 14th.  We had a rip-roaring good time last October with them and the Yellowstone-themed party; costumes were great.  They may do the same but final word on that is not out yet according to co-owner Ralph.  I do know that Bigler is returning on Tuesdays for Trivia and DJ Chuck D for Karaoke on Thurdays.  As always, sports is always big on their many TV screens.  With the best steaks/ribs and most original menu around, you can’t beat Coastal Smokehouse for a great meal and a good time with friends and neighbors.

Last Saturday night I traveled west to Berlin to attend the CD release party for LUSH.  It was a triumph for singer/songwriter Lauren Glick and her recording bandmates as we heard cuts from the CD played live at the Globe Gastro Theater.  This group was assembled by Lauren specifically to record this collection of original tunes that I think are some of her best ever.  Several of the songs have been receiving radio air play from many stations and several industry magazines have featured her (for more go back to archived articles or to her facebook page).  So exciting for our home-town girl.  The players were Sarah Robins on backup vocals and flute, Bobby Malaby (of Tranzfusion) on drums, Scott Malaby on guitar and Chris Chandler on guitar/bass.  As most of you know, Ms. Glick also plays bass and keyboards.  The music on this CD clearly showcases Glick’s arrival to the blues groove that she says just feels right.  Of course, we’ve all been enjoying whatever she sings for years now, but she has always been most at home singing Janis Joplin tunes, so this genre for Lauren is no surprise.  She began the program with “Little White Lies” then “Love And Peace.”  A couple of my favorites are “Don’t Add Up,” “Living In Pain” and “Don’t Let The Rain In.”  A few more of my favorites that are not on the CD were “Dangerously In Love With You,” “Nobody Knows But Me” and “Love Comes In Waves.”  It was a tour de force and all her friends and family are so proud of her.  Next time you see her live, be sure to ask her to play her originals, request them on our local radio stations, and get the new CD, LUSH!

I left Berlin and hurried on to The Purple Moose to hear one of my favorite groups, Surreal.  I had almost too much fun as you might tell from a few of the pictures in Fun Fotos.  LOL!  I left out the one of me in a biker vest; somehow it didn’t go with my frilly pink top.  Oh, well, it’s been a long time since I rode the back of a Harley and and I don’t see that in my future, so I’ll leave the wearing of the garb to the authentic bikers.  What a fun time; can’t wait to do it again.  This Friday DJ Adam Dutch will be hosting the dance party at The Purple Moose and he will also head up the “You Don’t Want It” Wednesday party that I hear has been off the charts; I mean absolutely packed - the place to be.  I love to see people having a good time so I’ll have to check that out.  Saturday night will again feature live music with SLAMM!  I have enjoyed this group on previous performances so I know you will too.  Live music is slowing down (I’m sad) so get to The Purple Moose now!

Sunday I really wanted to hear The Loomatix at Coconuts but I messed up because I couldn’t leave my TV hoping the Redskins - oh wait - the Commanders (I’ll never get used to that) would win the game.  So by the time I got to Coconuts rain was threatening and the band was on break.  I waited hoping for the best and got soaked for my patience but it was not to be.  Bummer!  I had better luck on Thursday although that day had rain in the forecast as well.  I was there early for lunch with gal pals and we heard Joe Mama & Dave Hawkins.  Mr. Hawkins is a multi-talented entertainer playing guitar and fiddle with a wonderful voice and range.  I’ve heard him before but my friends had not and they were very impressed.  Great job, guys.  So ... Lori and I decided to stay for The Dunehounds, one of my very favorite bands, but it began to rain.  Not to be deterred, we scurried to the shelter of the bar and waited it out alongside band members Sean Loomis, Kasey Brigs, Troy Mawyer and Adam Bilenki.  We were all patient and it paid off as it finally cleared around 5 and the band began at 5:30.  What an amazing group of musicians this is.  I continue to be in awe of Adam on the drums as he not only plays to perfection but is able to sing perfectly as well.  What a talented and handsome young man he is (sorry if that embarassed you).  I absolutely love the two lead guitars in this group: Troy & Sean trade off with leads and harmonies that provide the band with a wealth of sound.  And the material?  My goodness, they are one of the most versatile bands I’ve heard playing many genres and spanning many decades.  Doors, Springsteen, Paul Simon, Beatles, Petty, Dylan, ZZ Top (a mere fraction) - and often the more obscure hits from these artists .  They ended their first set with The Who’s “Teenage Wasteland.”  Wow, that was awesome!  Troy told me it was only the second time they had played it.  I love that they learn new songs and obviously love playing together.  This was their last performance for the season at Coconuts but they also play at places like Bourbon St. so be on the lookout for them.

Tomorrow, Sunday, is a big day at Coconuts as they host their annual “Tipsy Turtle” contest.  With the winning turtle/number, one lucky person will win a Bahamas vacation to Coconuts’ sister resort.  Weekly winners from near and far have been excitedly awaiting this day - drawing at 3 pm.  Music by Rick & Regina and Colossal Fossil Sauce.

Well, for somebody who claimed to have a bit of writer’s block, I sure did chat a lot.  Guess that means I was either lazy yesterday, was constantly interrupted, or just wanted to play hookie so I could go to Coastal Smokehouse.  Whatever ... I’m done now.  Hope you all have a wonderful week, watch out for those crazy car jockeys, and party safe!
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