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Games for Cheap Bastards
Written By: Nathan Brunet
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Games for Cheap Bastards
Games for Cheap Bastards
Castle Crashers
Games for Cheap Bastards
Fat Princess
Games for Cheap Bastards
Games for Cheap Bastards
Games for Cheap Bastards
Shadow Complex
Games for Cheap Bastards
Super Meat Boy
    Since Memorial Day has passed, most local employees are ecstatic over the fact that tourists are starting to flood Ocean City. Sure, some miss their lazy winter days. But for most workers here, more customers mean more money to take home each night. While we’ve had some time to begin our summer savings, many of us still have an empty wallet when it comes to the better things in life such as beer, fine foods and of course, video games. There have already been a handful of quality video game releases this year, but I know I’m not the only one who simply can’t afford every awesome game that comes out. Lucky for us poor gamers, the online catalogues of Microsoft’s Xbox Live Arcade (XBLA) and Sony’s PlayStation Network (PSN) feature many great unique games that don’t put much of a dent in your wallet. Please note that while my focus is on PSN and XBLA games, some of these titles are available on other platforms. So this week, I present to you downloadable games for us cheap bastards.
Genre: Puzzle/Platformer
Available For: PSN, XBLA
Price: $10.00

    When Braid was released, it was instantly noted as one of the greatest examples that prove video games are an art form. You play as Tim, a man searching for a princess that has been captured by an evil monster. Before you scream, “Mario rip-off,” understand that the mechanics of this game are nothing like that of our favorite Italian plumber. Sure, you run and jump through a 2-D level and can even jump on enemies to defeat them. What makes this game different is the ability to rewind time at any point in the game, which puts the game on a different universe than normal platformers. Along with great gameplay, Braid features an intriguing story that is more ambiguous than you think.
“Castle Crashers”
Genre: Beat ‘em up
Available For: PSN, XBLA
Price: $15.00
    This game is for those who have fond memories of spending dollars upon dollars per day on classic beat ‘em ups such as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and X-Men arcade games. Up to four players work together as medieval knights to rescue the king’s daughters and recover a gem stolen by an evil wizard. Castle Crashers incorporates some RPG elements, such as buying new weapons and earning experience points to upgrade your abilities. Add a magic meter, and you have a wild game that becomes even more fun with friends playing on your side.
“Fat Princess”
Genre: Real-time tactics
Available For: PSN
Price: $15.00

    Fat Princess is a fun title that pits two teams of up to 16 players against each other with the task of rescuing their princess from the other team’s base. The premise may seem simple enough, but there’s a reason this game is called Fat Princess. In order to slow down the other team’s progress, players may feed their imprisoned princess cake. The more cake consumed, the fatter she becomes, making her movement slower as players struggle to bring their princess home. With nine character classes available to play as, it will take a while to get bored with this game.
Genre: Adventure
Available For: PSN
Price: $10.00

    Who knew the star of one of the most unique and visually appealing games this generation would be a flower? Before questioning my masculinity, this is not a virtual flower garden. You begin each level by selecting a flower that is placed on the windowsill of a city apartment. Players are then transported to the “dream” of that flower, which is populated by an open and beautiful rural field. Flower takes advantage of the PlayStation 3’s Sixaxis controller by making the tilt of your controller the primary way of movement. As you progress through the level, your single flower pedal runs into groups of flowers, which changes the world around you. Finding all flowers in a level rewards you with the most beautiful landscape. You can’t die in the game, let alone even lose the level you are playing, which makes “Flower” one of the most enjoying games you can ever play.

Genre: Puzzle/Platformer
Available For: XBLA
Price: $15.00

    As another great candidate for proof that video games are art, Limbo puts us in control of an unknown boy who is searching for his missing sister. The game takes a minimalist black and white art direction, which makes the visuals eerie but beautiful. Many traps and monsters await the boy, which results in gruesome deaths. Although the game sounds horrifying, it is nothing like the gore porn seen in the likes of the “Saw” films. You can only see the boy’s silhouette, so the essence of gore is up to your imagination. There are many traps that wait in the shadows, so expect to die a lot in this game.
“Shadow Complex”
Genre: Action-Adventure/Platformer
Available For: XBLA
Price: $15.00

    Fans of “Metroid,” listen in. Gamers play as Jason Flemming, who is vacationing with his girlfriend when they discover a giant high-tech complex within the caverns of their destination. Jason’s girlfriend is soon captured by soldiers, which triggers an engaging story. Early in the game, Jason comes across a futuristic suit that gives him the power to combat the hundreds of enemies patrolling the base. “Shadow Complex” is heavily influenced by the 2-D “Metroid” series, from the power-ups all the way down to the ever-expanding map. Gamers will enjoy exploring every last secret hidden in the complex.     

“Super Meat Boy”
Genre: Platformer
Available For: XBLA
Price: $15.00

    As with “Braid,” “Super Meat Boy” takes the legendary “Super Mario” formula and turns it on its head. The absurdity of this title is noted in its story. You play as Meat Boy (who is pretty much Meatwad with arms and legs) who travels to rescue is girlfriend Bandage Girl from the clutches of Dr. Fetus. Yes, your nemesis is a fetus. Although there are no enemies to stomp on, prepare to die a lot. Chainsaws, spikes and other hazards will put your reflexes to the test as you traverse over 300 levels. Don’t be discouraged at the difficulty, as you are instantly respawned at the beginning of the level upon death and have unlimited lives to complete the game.

    I’d like to conclude by apologizing for an error made in my article last week. The summer movie release Cowboys & Aliens is based off of an indie comic book created by Scott Mitchell Rosenberg, making the movie based on an existing license. I guess I should do all of my research on Wikipedia from now on.
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