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Play It Free This Summer
Written By: Hope Evans
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Play It Free This Summer
Play It Free This Summer
Play It Free This Summer

    Whether you just graduated high school, or you’re here for vacation with your kids, Ocean City offers many free events throughout the summer. Clue in the senior you know on Ocean City’s Play It Safe, and jot down a few events for you and your own family for your vacation later into the summer.
    Now, I know the title is really Play It Safe, but this is a shout out to recently graduated kids in Ocean City, visitor and local alike - do you realize what kind of stuff the town is offering for free? In the words of our generation, it’s legit.
    Before I dive into telling you all the fun stuff you can be doing while enjoying your senior week, let me first start by saying congratulations on completing your high school careers. Not all teenagers who begin their high school studies can say that they stuck it out and finished, but you have and it’s time to celebrate your accomplishments! In my own personal opinion, Ocean City is the perfect place to kick back and enjoy this special time with friends and classmates before you all begin on your new endeavors into the future.
    Having graduated from high school a year ago, I can say that the time you are enjoying in Ocean City will always be a special time in your memories and the options Play It Safe is providing are perfect ways to make the week an even better experience. Even as a local kid, I look back and wish I had made the time to enjoy these awesome (and totally free) events. Also, I promise I’m not super lame so I encourage you to believe that you can take my advice on this one!
    Play It Safe, which is celebrating their 23rd year, is a program that was started by the Ocean City Drug Alcohol Abuse Prevention Committee Inc. Their mission is to “encourage high school graduates to make informed, healthy choices while having responsible fun without the use of alcohol and other drugs.” With the help of government agencies and local businesses, Ocean City has worked at providing drug and alcohol-free alternatives for recently graduated seniors in Ocean City during the month of June. Throughout the spring leading up to the next Play It Safe month of June, the town of Ocean City puts on fundraisers such as golf tournaments and meals at local restaurants in order to raise money and make these events 100 percent free of charge. These events even provide wristbands for seniors, which makes riding the bus free!
    So what are these great events? The list ranges from paintball to pizza eating contests, rock climbing to mini golf. Each day has at least two events, so there are plenty of events at varying times from which to choose. This year’s Play It Safe runs through June 19, so catch the last few events if you can! Also, encourage other rising seniors to consider taking advantage of Play It Safe in Ocean City next summer.
    If you’re catching this article today, check the date to see if you or a graduate you know is able to take advantage of the last couple of events the town is offering. Personally, June 19 sounds like the perfect day for me! That Tuesday starts off with a Beach Volleyball Tournament on Dorchester St., with sign-up beginning at 4:30 pm. There will also be boardwalk games beginning at 6 pm. Either take part or just watch - fun and free either way! That same day and same place, there will be an opportunity for those seniors to sing it loud and sing it proud during karaoke at 5pm on the beach.  Hungry after that great volleyball game or after belting that great song? Head over to Pizza Tugos in West Ocean City for a Pizza and Dance Party from 10 pm to midnight. Have a slice of pepperoni pizza and enjoy dancing with your friends!
    So seniors, enjoy your time together, and do it without the drugs and alcohol. And if you still think I’m lame for saying to actually enjoy these events, think of it this way - drugs and alcohol cost money, these events don’t - so be smart in a few ways and have fun, class of 2012.
    Now, for the moms and dads reading this article, first of all, you’re welcome. Just kidding; in all seriousness, I have some free event tips for you as well!
    One that will please young and old viewers alike is the Beach Lights Spectacular, which runs until September 2 every Tuesday night, with shows beginning at 9:30 p.m., 10:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Located at the Inlet, these lights shows are displayed on a five-story high beach ball with music and lights. This event is free for the whole family.
    Another great event for the family is Movies on the Beach. There is almost a movie every night throughout Ocean City and all are free to watch! On Wednesday nights, enjoy them in front of the Carousel Hotel on 118th street. On Monday and Friday nights, enjoy them on 27th street. On Thursday nights, watch scheduled movies in front of the Princess Royale on 91st Street. All movies start around 8:30 p.m., so bring your blanket and leave your money in the hotel room - you won’t need it here!
    As an Ocean City local, I encourage visitors to not only take part in spending time at the boardwalk and eating some of the best crab feasts in the world, but also taking part in events that the town of Ocean City provides throughout the summer. These events make our little resort spot even more special and I hope you enjoy it with friends and family this summer.
    For more information on the history and events of Play It Safe, please visit For more information about events in Ocean City, please visit

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