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Original Fall Flicks Worth Giving a Damn About
Written By: Nathan Brunet
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Original Fall Flicks Worth Giving a Damn About
Original Fall Flicks Worth Giving a Damn About
Original Fall Flicks Worth Giving a Damn About
Original Fall Flicks Worth Giving a Damn About
Original Fall Flicks Worth Giving a Damn About
Original Fall Flicks Worth Giving a Damn About
    The temperature is dropping, the days are getting shorter, and most importantly, the swarm of tourists are leaving Ocean City. This is a time to rejoice, for autumn has arrived! Work for the locals is getting less stressful by the day, and eventually many of us will soon have more time on our hands than we want. While there are many ways to pass your time in Ocean City, I have to admit that watching movies in an empty theater with friends is one of my favorites. This fall has a pretty good lineup of films that will be worthy of your attendance. Just as I did with my summer flicks article, this list is comprised solely of unique films that are not based on any existing property. Even if you’re not a big movie go-er, there’s not much else to do this time of year!

Release: September 23
Starring: Taylor Lautner, Lily Collins, Alfred Molina
Genre: Action/Drama Rating: R

    Yes, I know. I’m telling you to watch a movie starring Taylor Lautner, the guy whose greatest acting skill so far is taking off his shirt. But word is that this movie is actually pretty good, with some comparing it to the Bourne films. Nathan Price (Lautner) discovers that the life he’s been living is not his own, and must run from a corrupt authority while searching to discover his true identity. There is hope for this one yet.

Release: September 30
Starring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogan, Anna Kendrick
Genre: Comedy/Drama Rating: R

    Originally titled, “I’m With Cancer,” this film is about Adam (Gordon-Levitt), a young adult who is in extremely good health until being diagnosed with cancer. Seth Rogan plays Kyle, Adam’s best friend, who is supporting of him every step of the way. Adam learns how to deal with his illness on his own and through the help of friends and family. The mood of the film is reminiscent of Funny People, which was a hilarious, yet depressing, movie.

“Tucker & Dale vs Evil”
Release: September 30
Starring: Tyler Labine, Alan Tudyk, Katrina Bowden
Genre: Comedy/Horror Rating: R

    So everyone has seen at least one horror flick where a group of kids get lost in the woods and eventually are killed one by one after being chased down by a crazy serial killer. This is one of those movies; only make the killer (or killers, in this matter) the lead role. And while you’re at it, change the crazy psychopath into a peaceful hillbilly trying to enjoy his vacation while teenagers continuously end up (stupidly and hilariously) killing themselves around him. This film turns the horror genre on its head and its two lead roles, Labine from “Reaper” and Tudyk from “Firefly” give a hopeful nod that this will be added to the list of great horror parodies.

“Real Steel”
Release: October 7
Starring: Hugh Jackman, Evangeline Lilly, Anthony Mackie
Genre: Action/Sci-Fi Rating: PG-13

    When I read the news that a Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots movie was in the works, I was horrified. How could they take one of my favorite childhood memories and make it into what will most likely be a mindless action flick? The creators of “Real Steel” obviously read the plans for Mattel’s easy cash-in and wanted to beat them to the punch. I thank this film for actually getting me excited for any robot boxing movie made in the future. Is it just cool looking robots punching the hell out of each other? Of course; but it actually looks pretty fun.

“In Time”
Release: October 28
Starring: Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy
Genre: Thriller/Sci-Fi Rating: TBD

    Set in a dystopian future, no one ages past 25 years old. After that, you must pay for the rest of your time on Earth. In an effort to fight overpopulation, the rich live for as long as they want while the poor fight for their lives day by day. After incidentally receiving the minutes owned by a high class man who proceeds to kill himself, Will Salas (Timberlake) is framed for the murder and must run from the law. This film looks fast-paced and very Logan’s Run-esque, leading me to be very excited for its release.

“The Artist”
Release: November 23
Starring: Jean Dujardin, Bérénice Bejo, John Goodman
Genre: Drama/Romance Rating: R
    This French film is not only the most unique movie on this list, but also the most unique to hit our theaters in recent years. Oh, and there’s no need to complain that you have to read English subtitles since there is no spoken dialog in the whole film anyway. Yeah, this is a silent movie. Set in 1920’s Hollywood, we follow George Valentin (Dujardin), an accomplished silent film maker, and Peppy Miller (Bejo) as the world of cinema is transformed by the addition of sound. Subsequently, we see the rise and fall of artists due to this new technology. The fact that it was filmed in black and white as well makes it look even more appropriate for the decade it’s set in.

    I’d like to conclude by honoring the memory of a close friend of mine, Kenneth Jackson Polk. Kenny passed recently due to injuries suffered in a car crash. I never got the chance to tell you this in person, but you were and still are a true inspiration for me to lead a successful career thanks to your dedication to excel in school and still have a damn good time while doing so. You will always be in our thoughts and I can’t wait until it’s my time to go, so I can have a rematch on the pong table. Rest in peace, buddy.
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