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Written By: Melissa Golden
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    I am super excited to introduce our readers to a brand spanking new indie pop band called Dreamers. The three piece originally formed in Brooklyn but have now made their way out to LA and they have been having one very busy, incredible and important year. They toured all last summer opening for bands such as Great Good Fine OK, The Mowglis and Walk the Moon and have made appearances at several festivals such as Lollapalooza, despite the fact that they had only released one short, four-song EP in 2014, simply titled E.P.
    Their debut album, This Album Does Not Exist, was released on Aug. 26, 2016, and features their hit single “Sweet Disaster.” The single was released earlier in June and has been climbing the alternative charts all year. It peaked at number four on AltNations Top 18, was at number 16 on iTunes Alternative charts and reached number 19 on Billboards Alternative chart. The song has a very catchy beat and grungy ‘90s guitar hooks all blended together perfectly with an array of modern synthy sounds.
    Trust me, it’s good and so is the rest of the album for that matter! I really like the message in their song “Never Too Late to Dance,” reminding us all that it’s never too late for anything in this life, including happiness! The album has an overall positive and happy vibe to it that just makes you want to smile. And, to top things off, they are currently on The Low Lives Tour with one of my current favorite bands, The Griswolds. Unfortunately, I missed my opportunity to review their show; however, I was able to ask them a few questions via email...

Question: How are you enjoying your success this year? Has there been any time for you to really celebrate? And if so, how have you celebrated?

Dreamers: We don't take days off, but we get plenty of time for small celebrations along the way.  For instance, last night on tour we cooked a massive spaghetti dinner in our hotel and drank wine.  It feels like a constant celebration where we work hard at the same time. There's nothing like it.

Q: I was excited to see you on this year’s Firefly Festival Line-up; are you scheduled for any more big Festivals this summer?

D: We’re so excited for the opportunity to play at that festival with all those great artists and bands.  We will be at many more festivals this year, Free Press, Bottle Rock, Bunbury to name a few. Others will be announced soon.

Q: What’s the biggest festival you have played? And which has been your favorite so far?

D: The largest we’ve played was Lollapalooza, which was amazing. It's hard to pick favorites ‘cause we've had so many good times. But mine might have been Big Guava Fest in Tampa. It was one of our first big festival plays back in 2015. We shared a stage with The Pixies, watched The Strokes, and there was a carnival with rides in the festival. I rode the gravitron!  

Q: Do you remember how old you were when you really became interested in music? In general and as a career?

D: I was apparently into music since I was born, and as a baby I wanted to play saxophone. I never thought I’d do it as a career till I was about 18-20. I did a lot of soul searching during that period and decided I was gonna make the leap and that I was gonna succeed.  

Q: When did you write your very first song and what prompted that?

D: I think I wrote my first real rock song around then, age 20 or 21.  It was after I had thought every possible life path through and realized that being in a rock band was the best one for many reasons.

Q: Do you remember the first album you ever bought?

D: I think mine was Weird Al In 3D. (I also love this album and love that it was your answer. Weird Al is greatly underappreciated but he is a lyrical genius.)

Q: Who would you say has been your biggest influence / inspiration?

D: I could say John Lennon, or maybe Kurt Cobain.  I think a lot of people in my field would say the same thing.

Q: Who’s on your current top playlist?

D: The Griswolds, Zella Day, Tame Impala, Oasis.  

Q: Were there ever times any of you felt like giving up? If so, how did you overcome it? And, do you have any advice for new musicians out there?

D: There definitely have been times when I felt like there was no way I could make this happen, that it was an insurmountable challenge or endless road. But I had made such a firm and thought-out decision from the beginning that I was gonna see it through, and I think my stubbornness keeps me going. I think you have to understand that achieving something big is an endless road, a lifetime of hard work, and if you aren’t into that you should do something else.   

Q: Anything new in the works you would like us to announce?

D: Check out the video we just filmed for our song “Sweet Disaster.” It was a ridiculously fun experience to make. Also check out our tour schedule; endless big and exciting shows are being planned for us.

Q: Are there any other shows planned in or around our area? (Eastern Shore, DC, Baltimore, Philly)

D: Stay tuned. We'll be touring non-stop throughout the year and there are some secret things in the works. Thanks!

    Hopefully, I will be able to catch these guys next time around, but in the meantime, be sure to check them out this summer at the Firefly Music Festival, stream them online @ Spotify, Soundcloud etc... and for more info, please visit their website @
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