New OC couple (via Connecticut & Pittsburg) Ron & Carrie with friends Mike, Helen & Debbie at BJ’s.
Erve, Erie & Taylor layin’ down some hot licks w/ Old School at BJ’s.
Eleanor, Bev, b’day girl Kim, Kelly, Ruthie & Roxanne at BJ’s to hear drummer Ernie in Old School; they were fans of Ernie’s band in Balt. as teenagers.
Old School singer Linda always encourages young ones such as Austin to come up and play with the band.
Happy birthday to Old School guitarist Taylor w/ his lovely lady Kelly at BJ’s.
Kelly & Taylor with friends Kyle & Alexa at BJ’s.
Linda (Old School) stopped in Bourbon St.’s Open Mic and sang with Michael Smith.
Old School’s Ernie, Jay, Linda & Erve visited Bourbon St. for the Wed. Open Mic.
Adam (Monkee Paw) sang some Elvis tunes for us at Bourbon St.
Music fans Giorgio & Pam came out for the entertainment at Bourbon St.
Bourbon St. chef/owner Barry joined in the fun with an assist from Mike, Adam & Linda.
Jack Worthington shared his talent with backup by Mike & Adam at Bourbon St.