Former bandmate John Beers sat in with Jay Stinemire at Bourbon St. Open Mic. photo by Peg Stinemire
Former bandmate John Beers sat in with Jay Stinemire at Bourbon St. Open Mic. photo by Peg Stinemire
Barbara & Frank having a great time dancing to the music of Thin Ice at BJ’s.
Barbara & Frank having a great time dancing to the music of Thin Ice at BJ’s.
Reform School (Michael Smith & Jay Stinemire) host Open Mic every Wednesday at Bourbon St.
Reform School (Michael Smith & Jay Stinemire) host Open Mic every Wednesday at Bourbon St.
Friends gathered for a pic with visiting friends Laura & Johnny (far rt., now living in Austin, Tex.): Bryant, Connie, Tesa & Jimmy.
Friends gathered for a pic with visiting friends Laura & Johnny (far rt., now living in Austin, Tex.): Bryant, Connie, Tesa & Jimmy.
Taylor Knox snapped this selfie w/ Brenda during his show at Bourbon St. on the Beach.
Taylor Knox snapped this selfie w/ Brenda during his show at Bourbon St. on the Beach.
Jay & Paul along with Thin Ice kept the BJ’s crowd on the dance floor.
Jay & Paul along with Thin Ice kept the BJ’s crowd on the dance floor.
Congratulations to my niece Candace Allen, w/ mom Amy, on her graduation from SDHS.
Congratulations to my niece Candace Allen, w/ mom Amy, on her graduation from SDHS.
Old School singer Linda Sears was surprised w/ a visit from long-time friend Carol & Craig during her show w/ Taylor at Bourbon St.
Old School singer Linda Sears was surprised w/ a visit from long-time friend Carol & Craig during her show w/ Taylor at Bourbon St.
Kelly, Crystel & Dave of Thin Ice playing for the BJ’s crowd.
Kelly, Crystel & Dave of Thin Ice playing for the BJ’s crowd.
Rusty Foulke gave another stellar performance at Bourbon St. on the Beach.
Rusty Foulke gave another stellar performance at Bourbon St. on the Beach.
Singing Chef Barry w/ Michael during Wednesday Open Mic at Bourbon St. photo by Peg Stinemire
Singing Chef Barry w/ Michael during Wednesday Open Mic at Bourbon St. photo by Peg Stinemire
Brenda w/ daughter Colleen who was celebating her birthday w/ great music at Bourbon St. photo by Peg Stinemire
Brenda w/ daughter Colleen who was celebating her birthday w/ great music at Bourbon St. photo by Peg Stinemire
Chris added his vocals to Reform School at Bourbon St. Open Mic Wed. photo by Peg Stinemire
Chris added his vocals to Reform School at Bourbon St. Open Mic Wed. photo by Peg Stinemire
Old School entertained for the annual Ravens Roost Saturday at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.
Old School entertained for the annual Ravens Roost Saturday at Coconuts Beach Bar & Grill.
Dawn, Dee & Judy (pres. of Ravens Roost 129, Pasadena) were among the fans partying at Coconuts Beach Bar.
Dawn, Dee & Judy (pres. of Ravens Roost 129, Pasadena) were among the fans partying at Coconuts Beach Bar.
I (Brenda) had the pleasure of singing w/ Michael & Jay (Reform School) at Bourbon St. Open Mic. photo by Peg Stinemire
I (Brenda) had the pleasure of singing w/ Michael & Jay (Reform School) at Bourbon St. Open Mic. photo by Peg Stinemire