Cozy dancers Maureen & Dennis have fun at Coconuts. photo by Frank DelPiano
Remember The Breakers? They reunited for a few tunes at Bourbon St.’s Open Mic Wed: Mike, Chuck & Pat (Bob on bass not pictured).
Erve, Gerry, Linda & Taylor of Old School put on a fab show, as usual, at BJ’s; back again on Wed., Aug 21st.
Frank & Ann enjoying a dance together at BJ’s. photo by Frank DelPiano
Jenny & friend Nancy from N.C. having fun at BJ’s. photo by Frank DelPiano
Warren & Suzanne (Fredericksburg, Va.) love to dance to the music at BJ’s; this night, Thin Ice. photo by Frank DelPiano
Frank, Ann, Juanita (welcome back) & Steve enjoying a night of dancing & laughs at BJ’s. photo by Frank DelPiano
Our annual birthday celebration for Lisa was delicious fun at Liquid Assets: back, Sarah, Lisa, Lauren, Nancy; front, Brenda, Rita & Paula. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LISA!
Happy music lovers at BJ’s to hear Thin Ice: Lynn, Terry, Denny, Lynn, Jimmy, Tim & AnnMarie. photo by Frank DelPiano
Love to see smiling faces such as Denny, Terry, Tim & Stacy at BJ’s. photo by Frank DelPiano
After cooking for all his nightly guests at Bourbon St. on the Beach, and after playing and singing in his employee band called Staff Infection, Barry Reichart visits w/ his folks Ron & Joanne.
Tuesday at Bourbon St. Chuck Smith (drums) & Jack Worthington were surprised by special guest Mark Brian, currently touring w/ Hootie & The Blowfish. You never know who you might meet at Bourbon St.