An early Happy Birthday to Lisa Ashcraft!
Bonnie, Georgio, Christy & Mike scored a front row seat for Randy Lee at Bourbon Street on Saturday.
The Libation/Hydration team at Bourbon Street: Jordan, Caitlyn & Tyler make a pretty picture.
Ray Perrone (drummer for Identity Crisis) hosts Beach Barrel's Tuesday Open Mic.
Randy and Jimmy on the big stage at The Apple Scrapple Festival.
Tommy is flanked by lovely ladies Teresa and Cheryl at Johnny's on Wednesday.
If there is a Open Mic Night you can count on Tommy to be there. Tuesday night, Beach Barrels.
Randy Lee Ashcraft and the Saltwater Cowboys killed it at the Apple Scrapple Festival on Saturday.
Carolyn ordered up her Buttery Nipple Toast for Lisa Ashcraft: Lisa, Billie, Linda & Carolyn during Randy's show at Smitty's.
Tableside Ashcraft at Bourbon Street on Saturday.
New jammer Debbie stopped by to sing “Brand New Key” at Randy's Jam Night at Johnny’s.
Friday at Smitty's, Lisa, Randy, Don & John.
Randy called Billie up to the stage at the Apple Scrapple Festival in Bridgeville. With Randy in Cancun Billie will play Smitty's on Friday.
The La Ricci’s shook the house at Friday's Smitty show.
Randy invited me on stage to take a few pictures of the guys in action at The Apple Scrapple Festival.
Linda Sears (Old School) stopped by Smitty's to sing a few with Randy on Friday.
Ricky, Randy & Billie really enjoy each other's company. Billie is filling in for Randy tonight at Smitty McGee’s.
Ken, Jimmy & Brenda at Bourbon Street on Saturday night.
Jimmy, Jack, Ken & Mickey bring the harmonies on “There's a Place in the World for a Gambler” on Wednesday night.