What do you do on a rainy Sunday? You go to the Elvis Festival at The Clarion, where these were named top 5.
Wednesday Jam night saw Larry, Debbie, Mike, Kurt, and Kenny posing at the bar. photo by Midge.
A Saturday night special saw Lennon, Jay (Reform School) & Ricky at High Stakes.
What a great community of musicians we have: Bob Hughes, fresh off his own gig, sang a couple during Billie's Friday night show at Smitty McGee’s.
Kurt was in from Tennessee to visit Randy and sing a song Wednesday at Johnny's.
Lennon brought the house down, as usual, on Saturday night at High Stakes.
Carolyn & Joyce with Bruno, winner of the Elvis Festival contest at The Clarion.
Carolyn & Tommy posed during DJ Denny's show at Bourbon Street Saturday night. The house was packed for Restaurant Week specials, tunes and Terry's Jello shooters.
Joyce, Meg & Sheila were at Bourbon Street for Jack Worthington's Sunday night show. Come by Bourbon Street before the Restaurant Week specials end.
Randy's back from Cancun for Jam Night Wednesday with Jimmy on lead and Tommy walking thru the door.
The Ocean City Happy Hour group celebrated Martha's big 6-0 on Friday. Terri, Carolyn, Joyce & Carolyn (Senor Cigars) are pictured here with Martha.
Don played w/ Jack Worthington at his Sunday show at Bourbon Street on the Beach.
With Randy Lee in Cancun, Ricky stopped by to give Billie a break on Friday; Hey!
Beach Barrels Tuesday jam featured Eddie, Tom & Mickey. photo submitted by Tom Borlik
Jimmy & Leo played the Blues, Jazz and Beyond with Billie Carlins on Friday night.
During Billie's Friday show at Smitty's we had Martha's Birthday after-party: Kim, Carolyn, Martha, Joyce & Billie struck a pose.