Lori, Tricia & Bill were all smiles at the Purple Moose.
Lisa is wearing a big smile because mom Betty & sis Tracey are visiting - here at Bourbon St.
This group has fun everywhere I see them: Becky, Barb, Tim, Rod, & Suzanne at Coconuts.
So great to see Sandy & Palmer out dancing again at Coconuts.
Sheila sang a Dylan love song for us w/ Jack & Mickey at Bourbon St.
Amber, Brittney, Alex & Ali: missing the BJ's bar crew but we'll see them around - Ali is at Bourbon St.
The sign says it all.
Coconut Brenda got a bear hug from Al (Tranzfusion) at Fager's deck party. photo by Dawn
Jim Long fans & friends Annie & Jeannie love it at Coins where he plays every Saturday afternoon.
Jim Long with two of his best buds, Chris & Wesso at his Saturday party at Coins.
Coconut Brenda ran into good friend Lori while hearing Surreal at the Purple Moose.
Brenda said it was so good to be hearing Tranzfusion at Fager's first deck party. photo by Janet
Surreal was awesome as always; guitarist Brian, new drummer Chris Hanson & fan/friend Christi Lee.
Jan, Billy & Melissa had a great time at the Purple Moose hearing Surreal.
Listening to Surreal at the Purple Moose were Mike, Erin & Cathy.